Professor of Surgery Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, United States
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
Lewis J. Kaplan, MD, FACS, FCCP, FCCM: No financial relationships to disclose
Summary: This session will discuss the opportunities in front of us to enable citizens to view themselves as a part of a larger mission – to map out of hospital (OOH) cardiac arrest and citizen rescue efforts across the US. Imagine if we harnessed the data captured from the public through social media. Social Media is so deeply embedded in our daily lives that it seems to be the ideal channel with which to engage existing CPR providers as well as garner new ones who would now have a social media linked mission.
Learning Objectives:
Describe data gaps across the US with regard to citizen and professional out of hospital CPR
Articulate approaches to using existing technology to engage those who provide out of hospital CPR in a network that captures data, and links CPR providers and witnesses with rescue resources regardless of CPR outcome.
Recount strategies to leverage Social Media data regarding OOH CPR to guide community education
Enumerate other survival interventions that could also be explored using Social Media to assess use frequency, community penetrance, and first responder technique or device deployment.