Nursing Professional Development Specialist
Mann-Grandstaff VAMC
Colbert, WA, United States
Reba Boyd MSN, RN is a Nursing Professional Practitioner within the VHA at Mann-Grandstaff VAMC. Reba was a CH-46E helicopter mechanic in the US Marine Corps right out of high school. After completing her enlistment, she completed a degree in Early Childhood Education and became the Director of an early childhood education center in North Carolina. Her family decided to leave NC & move to the PNW, this allowed her the opportunity to go back to school. Subsequently, she completed her nursing degree and worked in a cardiac/telemetry/sepsis unit. After getting her feet wet in the nursing field, she taught at the Gonzaga University School of Nursing which she enjoyed tremendously. From there she was introduced to the possibility of working within the VHA. As a Veteran herself, this opportunity meant more to her than any other. Currently as a Nursing Professional Development Practioner/ClinicalEducator at the VA hospital, she provides education & professional development opportunities to one of the best nursing teams! She also works in the Urgent Care/Emergency Department at Mann-Grandstaff as a floor nurse providing patient care. As a practicing nurse & educator, she is able to offer a different viewpoint to the fellow nursing staff. Working for the VHA has allowed her to serve the population of Veterans in the Spokane area by supporting the nursing staff with the best professional standards & development opprtunities.
Saturday, December 2, 2023
11:55 AM – 12:20 PM PST